Suspendisse potenti. Ut eleifend porttitor sapien. Sed eu neque. Suspendisse sodales. Mauris ut eros ut eros vulputate suscipit. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur ligula risus, semper quis, blandit eu, imperdiet nec, arcu. Praesent pretium, risus vel congue cursus, magna.... Enchanted by the use of a dead language in an incipient medium, forum. As placeholding would have it, this work of time- and site-notation has begun with suspension in Latin.

This site will make a way to mark time digitally from the Eternal City.

In perhaps more satisfactory tandem with experience than I am given to.

Already I am tricking time: rummaging in the prior, anticipating Rome.

One of many possible incipits:  Antonioni screen test. "For instance, this is the first Marilyn; this other one is more postwar."