Thinking tremolio: ever stupefying to see how much interference can take place, at terrific times, between cognition and experience otherwise sensed. Tuesday evening's lecture asked us to consider thinking pre-Enlightenment-As-We-Know-It: Celenza citing the premodern conception of the mind as a substance, as a vapor, which can take direct effect on the world. (The next evening Maura draws parallels to quantum physics I won't dare try to recapitulate here.)

And citing philosophy as it was regarded in the 15th century, not as a sheaf of writings, but as a way of being in the world. And my fanciful following up in a notebook that makes everybody laugh at its tininess regarding philosophy as praxis:  love of—love in?—knowledge. Tiny notebooks force you to redact:

I thank, therefore I swum.

I thunk, therefore I swam.